10 Practical tips to stay on the diet.
Following a diet strictly and consistently is hard, so here are some tips that will help you resist the temptation to abandon it and will make it easier for you to achieve your goals for B-day. Take good notes!
If before the wedding you want to lose a few kilos and you have started a diet to look great in your suit and wedding dress, you should know that the key to success is eating healthy and exercising. But how to be constant and stand firm? With these 10 tips.
They are simple, they are practical and... they work! Surely those who received your wedding invitations will admire the change and your effort. Especially when they see you walking towards the altar and when you are dancing to all the wedding songs chosen for the party. Let nothing and no one stop you!
1. Step away from the scale
Constantly weighing yourself will only serve to make the whole process harder for you. Why? Because the results are noticeable slowly and seeing that in one day you have only lost a few grams or even nothing can make you lose motivation or make it more difficult for you to keep going. For this reason, weigh yourself at most once a week, and if it can be every two, even better.
2. Feel good about yourself
Do not look at the models or the professional athletes in the magazines. And it is that as much as you would love to have their perfect curves and their muscular torsos, that is not your goal. It is about losing a few kilos that allow you to feel more comfortable with yourself, not becoming perfect. It is a very clear goal, so do not get distracted along the way.
3. Exercise
In addition to helping you lose weight, practicing a little daily exercise is good for your health and will make you feel great when you finish doing it. So now you know. If you want to look perfect with your mermaid wedding dress, for example, or with your elegant 2020 groom suit, don't hesitate to get to work as soon as possible.
4. Do not eat while watching television
Watching television inhibits the feeling of satiety since the brain is focused on what you are watching and not what you are eating. For this reason, without realizing it, you eat more food. So now you know: avoid television being your companion during lunch and dinner. And, in the same way, when you sit down to watch a program, series or movie, do not take any food with you.
5. Bet on a healthy diet
A diet rich in vegetables, legumes, and fruits is essential to stay healthy and fit. So discard those more caloric recipes for a while and, instead, opt for light dishes that are just as tasty. And a piece of advice: to mitigate hunger at lunch and dinner, the idea is that you start with something healthy and low in calories, such as a salad or a vegetable puree, for example. It will help calm your anxiety and fill you up a bit before moving on to the second. It is very effective!
6. Wait until you feel full
The food takes about 20 minutes to be processed in the stomach and this sends the information to the brain. That is why, while you are eating, you have the feeling that you still "fit" a little more. The ideal is therefore to chew calmly, take your time and not be impatient. A simple but very effective trick is to avoid eating more than necessary.
7. If you can't resist, treat yourself a little
If while you are dieting there is any temptation that you cannot completely give up, give yourself the whim of trying a little every so often. It usually happens with chocolate. If this is your case, remember that it's okay to eat a couple of ounces, as long as the thing stays there and you don't end up with the whole tablet. On the big day, you can get even with all the delicacies that will make up the ideas for the candy bar!
8. If you eat out, have a snack before
If you are going out for lunch or dinner at a restaurant, it is best to snack on a piece of fruit or some nuts beforehand so as not to sit at the table too hungry. In this way, you will prevent gluttony from deciding for you when asking.
9. Avoid temptations at home
If you have chocolate, cookies, or sweets at home, it will be more difficult for you to do without them. So, as far as possible, eliminate them all from your pantry. In this way, if at any time you have a slump and you have to go to the supermarket to buy one of them, the fact that you have to go there will make it easier for you to resist.
10. Control your mood
During times of anxiety, stress or sadness is when you will have the most cravings. So try to be cheerful and positive to keep them at bay. Think about your goal and how good you will feel in the 2021 wedding dress, full of trend elements, and the impeccable original groom suit. Your efforts will have the best rewards!
Once you start noticing that the diet works, it will be much easier for you to be consistent. And surely you will want to share these recommendations with your loved ones so that they too look impeccable in their suits and party dresses on the big day! Beyond the beautiful and practical wedding details that you have chosen with them in mind, these tips will be very welcome. Of course!
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